Joe’s Calculators

Life Expectancy Calculator

Use this calculator to estimate how long you might live and to see what you can do to live a longer, healthier life – now and in retirement.
Life Expectancy Calculator

CMHC Mortgage Calculators

Use the mortgage calculator, affordability calculator and debt service (GDS and TDS) calculator.
CMHC Mortgage Calculators

RRSP Tax Savings

Tax savings generated from RRSP contributions

RRSP Tax Savings

Personal Tax Calculator

The calculator will show your tax savings when you vary your RRSP contribution amount.
Personal Tax Calculator

TFSA Contribution Limit Calculator

Calculate your total contribution limit, and this year’s limit for your Canada Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA).
TFSA Contribution Limit Calculator

Investment Growth Calculator

Find out how much your savings will grow over time by making regular investments.
Investment Growth Calculator

Earnst and Young Tax Calculators and Rates

Effects of inflation on a retirement budget

Earnst and Young Tax Calculators and Rates

Currency Conversions

Find exchange rates, along with supporting data and background information.
Currency Conversions

Insurance Needs Analysis

With our InsureRight Calculator, you can complete an analysis of your life, disability and critical illness insurance needs. The calculator uses your financial information today to help you decide how much insurance you may need.
Insurance Needs Analysis

Miscellaneous Calculators

Canadian Financial Calculators
Miscellaneous Calculators

Disability Needs Calculator

What is our current economic value?

Disability Needs Calculator
*Note: NO Personal Data is collected or recorded during calculator usage.
These calculators are for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon, as an accurate indication of your financial needs. As each individual’s situation is different and changes over time, the results are limited by the accuracy of the assumptions you make in providing the information used in the calculations. We do not guarantee that these calculators are reliable, accurate or complete or that they will be compatible with your computer.
The rate of return or mathematical table shown is used only to illustrate the effects of the compound growth rate and is not intended to reflect future values of the mutual fund or asset allocation service or returns on investment in the mutual fund or from the use of the asset allocation service.
The links provided are an additional resource and are for information and convenience purposes only. By accessing any of these links you will be leaving our website. The inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement or approval of the linked website, the third parties named therein or their products and services. Access to any other website linked to this site is at your own risk. We are not responsible for the availability, accuracy or reliability of any linked website or any link contained in a linked website.