After working in the agricultural industry most of my life I decided that it was time to make a career change. Constantly dealing in commodities in agriculture, I found that I had an interest in the marketplace and finance. Finance seemed like a natural fit.
As I gained experience and became more aware of the industry, I only became more determined. So many people were provided with products at high costs, people were not being provided with the products and service they really NEEDED.
To achieve mutual success I believe:
I succeed only if my client succeeds. So my philosophy is “If it’s not broken then don’t fix it!”.
If you have been provided great planning then I will advise you to keep to that plan even if that means a continued relationship with your current advisor.
Together you and I will create a working financial needs analysis, giving you clear directions towards your financial objectives. I will attend to the meticulous details often overlooked, clarify objectives, and give you a true understanding of the options available to you.
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